Mastering a well-done smokey eyes technique is something you should do before all of Christmas parties begin. It’s not so difficult or intimidating as it may seem at first, and once you master the basics, you gonna enjoy endless possibilities of the smokey makeup and love it for its universality. In today’s tutorial there’s a...
In cold months it seems like there can’t be too many sweaters. It’s an essential part of our clothes, which we however love to wear. Cable knit or the fisherman sweater is one of most favorite styles ever, and right now it’s the best time to get it out of your closet to the streets....
With all this Christmas fuss you can end up kinda low on budget. However, with lots of DIYs there’s usually nothing to worry about too much. Don’t seem to have a chance to buy new shoes? Upgrade your old ones and make them shine like diamonds with a little bit of sparkles! Except the shoes...
I always admired the ability to make the hair look glam yet loose, effortless and relaxed. Blake Lively has a monopoly on the best waves in Hollywood and seemingly natural style with a gorgeous texture. How to achieve that look? L’Anza ambassador Ammon Carver reveals some secrets just in time for the upcoming holiday parties....
This fall and winter season stylists advise us to embrace ballerinas’ style and pay attention to low buns. Although, this time you should try a loose hairstyle of the students of New York City Ballet after training instead of the perfectly smooth bun with pins like the Bolshoi Theatre prima wears. Not only it’s pleasant...
This week we entered a holiday season – hurray! Looking for some chic hairstyle to make for one of the upcoming parties? Today’s hairdo is so much fun and totally festive for the holidays! Two must-have things for this tutorial that you need are ¼” curling iron and hair gel. You’re probably a little bit...
No doubt that French manicure style has become timeless classics, which everyone probably wore sometime. However, we’re definitely into the updated French, a fancy style with new twists and turns. The idea is to take the old French style, but update it by mixing color, textures and giving it new life. Possibilities are almost endless...
It seems like curling the eyelashes is one of those parts of makeup application that never gets much credit. I think it’s because most of us don’t know how to do it correctly. When we casually try to curl the lashes, we don’t get this remarkable result all professionals are talking about. So, what’s the...
Bought a pair of heels that is a little too big for you on the latest sale? We’ve all been there, girl! There’s the coolest and easiest solution – lace them up. It’ll make your heels much easier to walk. What is more, the lacing is having a major fashion moment right now, so you’ll...
In the next few months a coat will be your most worn and most often seen item in your closet. So, you need to make sure that it’s good enough to be put on display for the time of being blustery weather. If you analyze the latest fall and winter trends, it’s all about plaid....