Coffee scrub is kinda classic scrub, which won the trust of many beauty bloggers. It not only smells divine but it’s also great for skin, thanks to antioxidants in the coffee! It’s super easy to make and it doesn’t require many supplies, so make some for yourself and as a gift to your friends. Supplies...
Have you ever heard of this type of braid? It also called an inside-out French braid, so basically to make it you’ll be reversing the direction of french braid. Wanna braid like a pro? We’ve got a step-by-step tutorial with photos to share! Begin with dividing your hair at the top of your head into...
If you got bored of plain old hair pins and want to spruce them up a little, here’s a quick and pretty way to do that! The supplies are bobby pins, 1/16 “ sheet of birch plywood, paint and paint brush, scissors, ruler, pencil and superglue. First you need to decide on the size of...
Looking for a cozy and stylish way to get warm during this fall and winter season? Then these long cardigans are just a must-have! They’re not only 100% functional with different items in your wardrobe, but also 100% fabulous, too. It’s cute with boots or flats for a cozy and comfy look, but has a...
I love cherries and I think it’ll be great to make this necklace with cherry decoration which is really pretty and easy to make. The supplies are 1.5 mm black aluminium wire, 0.5 mm black copper wire, 20 mm red acrylic bead, black iron chain, black jump ring, round nose plier, flat nose plier and...
Cold weather and constant homework routine take a toll on our hands: the skin gets dry, cuticles sore and nails break. It’s time to make some remedy and find a moment for yourself. This easy cream will easily reduce cuticle’s dryness and make it look healthy. Prepare 1 teaspoon of olive oil, ¼ cup or...
Conventional wisdom holds that you only wear all-white to your wedding and all-black to funerals (and existentialist gatherings). But this season fashion designers broke that rule and offer us to wear single-color total look for any occasion. It doesn’t always have to be popular these days total black, that we’ve already showed you how to...
I love fall because it’s a time, when we can get out of the closet our favorite scarf or buy a cheerfully bright new one. If you’re tired of your “regular” scarf look and don’t want to spend minutes to tie it in some complicated but creative way like it’s shown on some youtube video,...
Turbans sparkled worldwide in 2012 as a part of boho style, and they’re back in trend! It’s not only the hottest, statement-worthy accessory, it’s a chic and simple hat replacement for fall season. To define how to wear it, we, as always, suggest you to look at the best examples from fashion-forward celebrities, bloggers and...
If you’ve been following us lately, you know that ear cuffs are on top fashion trends right now. So, you just can’t miss this DIY tutorial! You’ll need some Swarovski navette rhinestones and settings, 1 2 x 40mm curved gold tube, 1 flat glue-on post, 1 stabilizer clutch, a pair of flatnose pliers and wire...