Slick back hairstyles are all the rage right now, thanks to the rise of Old Money, Quiet Luxury and Clean Girl trends. A slick back bun is really a viral thing that is everywhere, and it’s time to have a look at this idea and ways to make and accent one. Let’s begin! What Slick...
During the whole year bob haircut has been on top, and we’ve seen lots of ways to cut it and to style it. And if you thought that bob haircuts are over, they are not, this time we see a new trend for styling the cut, and this is flipped bob. Why is it popping...
If you have the trendiest haircut of the year, that is a bob, and don’t know how to style it for the holidays, we are here to help you! We’ve prepared some lovely and quite easy to realize ideas for various bobs, from short, almost bixie style, to long ones. Bob Styling With No Headpieces...
If it happened so that you damaged your hair, whether with dying it or with other means, cutting off some length can help your hair look much better (if not perfect) and it will be easier to maintain. No worries, short hair is in top! Here are some ways to take care of your damaged...
Looking for a new haircut to stand out? Want something chic, elegant, Old Money but non-banal at the same time? Then skip all the bob cuts as everybody’s wearing them and take a look at kitty cuts. What Is A Kitty Cut? Kitty cut is a haircut that derives from wolf cut and 70s inspired...
The frantic pace of life dictates its own rules and we tend to accelerate more and more. We get used to do everything on the go, and no process is an exception here. More and more gals prefer simple care routine solutions and messy styling to avoid spending hours at the mirror or getting up...
Bob haircuts are everywhere, and most of us are trying this or that version of the cut. This is a very elegant and versatile cut that can look different not only thanks to styling but also thanks to accessories. We’ve gathered the loveliest and trendiest accessories for bobs, take a look! Bows A bow is...
Love short hair? Thinking to cut off your locks and try something edgy? Besides classic bob cuts and traditional pixie ones there’s a combo of both that is on top right now – pixie bob. What Is A Pixie Bob? This haircut is a combo of pixie and short, almost micro bob, and the length...
Tiered of bob haircuts that are everywhere and think that pixie is too short? Puzzling over how to style your hair short without looking like everybody else? Stand out with a fresh and bold haircut called pixie bob! What Is A Pixie Bob? This is a combo of super popular bob haircut and timeless pixie...
Old Money style is all about elegance, refined looks and quality pieces, timelessly elegant looks. Besides wearing Old Money outfits, if you want to achieve that effect, you’ll need some neutral makeup and hair, too, and we’ve gathered the coolest Old Money bobs to try right now. Why bobs? Because bob is the trendiest haircut...