23 Half Sleeve Tattoos For Women

23 Half Sleeve Tattoos For Women

If you are ready for bold decisions and wanna try something new and original, then make a half sleeve tattoo. I’m sure you know that these tattoos are tattoos which cover half of the arms usually from shoulder to elbow. You can choose one big images or a composition that will consist of several small... 
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22 Baby Tattoo Ideas For Moms And Dads

22 Baby Tattoo Ideas For Moms And Dads

If you’re a mom or a dad, you already know what a real happiness is! And you know that everything changes when you have a baby. Or maybe you’re just preparing to be parents? Then you will like these ideas for sure. Today it’s time for so touching baby tattoos for cool moms and dads.... 
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21 Charming Sister Tattoo Ideas

21 Charming Sister Tattoo Ideas

Stunning sister or brother tattoos will be always popular, and it is easy to understand why: family is very important for everyone! Today I’d like to pay your attention to sister tattoos and share some ideas of them. If you have a sister or even several sisters you can make adorable and so cute tiny... 
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24 Excellent Small Neck Tattoos For Guys

24 Excellent Small Neck Tattoos For Guys

For me a beginning of the new year associates with new and fresh ideas that’s why we’ve prepared for you cool and stylish ones. Today I’d like to tell you about small tattoos which you can place on your neck. Of course, first of all, you need to decide where you’ll make them: on the... 
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23 Stunning Small Finger Tattoos For Men

23 Stunning Small Finger Tattoos For Men

If you wanna add something into your image and emphasize your personality, but aren’t ready for bold and too eye-catching decisions, then you should pay your attention to small tattoos. Today we continue to share with you incredible ideas for men, and let’s take a look at tiny tattoos for fingers. You can choose any... 
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21 Chic Sharpie Nail Art Ideas To Recreate

21 Chic Sharpie Nail Art Ideas To Recreate

Nail arts aren’t easy, especially if you are making one on your own nails. But we have a bunch of brilliant ideas for you, and all of them are made with various sharpies. A sharpie can highlight and spruce up any plain nails easily and fast. Colorful Nails Bold nails will be super cool for... 
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25 Awesome Small Wrist Tattoo Ideas For Men

25 Awesome Small Wrist Tattoo Ideas For Men

It seems that small wrist tattoos are more popular among women than men and you can find many absolutely various ideas for them, but for guys there are some tattoo designs too and today we wanna share them with you. If you don’t know yet what design you want pay your attention to a word... 
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20 Toe Nails Designs That Fit Any Occasion

20 Toe Nails Designs That Fit Any Occasion

We all know that a lady should look flawless, every inch of her divne body should be ideal and well-groomed. Nails are one of the most important parts of your look that are often in sight and they easily show how you take care of yourself. We’ve already spoken about pedicure ideas that fit winter... 
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30 Cool Small Wrist Tattoo Ideas For Women

30 Cool Small Wrist Tattoo Ideas For Women

I’m sure you will agree with me that the location for a new tattoo is as important as the tattoo design. So today I want to pay your attention to your wrists and ideas how you can decorate them. The most popular place for tattoos is a inner side of wrists, it’s a very intimate... 
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24 Small Anchor Tattoo Ideas For Men

24 Small Anchor Tattoo Ideas For Men

We have already told you about small anchor tattoo ideas for women, so today let’s talk about interesting ideas for men. An anchor is one of the oldest symbols that is used in tattoo industry, and many young men and women choose it as a first tattoo. It has a lot of meanings and every... 
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