Cinnamon and orange are truly Christmas ingredients, so why not use them for a delicious scrub? Prepare 145g coconut oil, 440g granulated sugar, 6 drops orange essential oil, zest of one orange, ½-2 teaspoons ground cinnamon, gift wrapping, 2 small glass jars, white felt, ribbon, gift labels or white paper, cut into desired shape. In...
Today’s hairstyle is very in mood of the Game of Thrones, don’t you think? It looks really unique and incredible on long hair and perfect for wearing out and about any day of the week. If you love trying out new techniques with old styles, you definitely gonna enjoy creating this cute braid. Start from...
Baking your salt/oil mixture will help it stay clump-free and looking fresh, which is particularly important if you’re giving the salts as a gift. Let’s make these cool ones, prepare 1 cup Epsom salt, 1 cup sea salt, 1/4 cup baking soda, 3/4 tbsp sweet almond oil, 1 1/2 tbsp essential oil of your choice,...
If you got tired of typical French manicure and classic nudes, but want to stay in the same color scheme, try this half-slash variation. It’s also classic and neutral, but with a bit of modern flair that make the nails look trendy. Luckily, the manicure is so easy to recreate, you won’t need to have...
Need a great gift for a girl? Make a solid perfume! You’ll need 1 tablespoon of beeswax pellets, 1 tablespoon of carrier oil, 40 drops of essential or fragrance oil, powder compact or metal tin. Ingredient measures are enough to fill two compacts. Clean the interior of the compact out if you are repurposing an...
Turmeric is anti-inflammatory and antiseptic, and mixed with honey it’s a dream mask! It has great cleansing and gentle exfoliating properties. The supplies are 1 tsp organic powdered turmeric, 1 tsp raw honey, ½ tsp chick pea flour or oat flour, the juice of ¼ – ½ lemon. Mix the dry ingredients and the honey....
Imagine: you’ve just woken up and there’s no time left for anything! No time for makeup, no time for hair, so you wash you face, grab the keys and run out. I think, every girl has been in such a situation, and for this case you need to twist up your hair fast. This roundup...
Today’s romantic braided hairstyle is perfect for the coming cozy holidays. It looks effortlessly chic and elegant and the best thing is – you can make it in minutes. Begin with parting your hair straight down the middle to divide hair evenly for braids. Then gather the hair from the ear forward on one side,...
Every fashion week makeup artists suggest new and creative ways of using usual cosmetics. For example, if you take a look at beauty looks from fall-winter fashion shows, you’ll see that the use of eyeliner might be really diverse and interesting. It’s a good reason to practice the skills and make winged eyeliner appear in...
Today’s hairstyle is perfect for everyday wear. Casual and effortlessly chic, it is impossible to mess up because it has an “undone” feel to it and you can make it as messy as you want. If you got a few free minutes, join us on this tutorial! Begin with Dutch braiding both sides of a...