Kitties are fun! If you are a cat lover, you’ll be excited about this manicure because it’s inspired by the cats and things they love! The supplies are black and white nail polish; a small nail art brush or even a small painting brush; a dotting tool or a pin. Start by painting one or...
If you like geometric details in your looks, try to repeat this DIY. You will need just 3 nail colors, electricians tape and top coat. You can take various nail colors, if you wanna something casual, take muffled shades, but if you wanna be noticeable, choose bright and shouting colors. So you can first paint...
If you have an old shirt with stripes, make something really new with it! It’s not so difficult to make, but you will get a cute shirt that nobody has. You will need just a striped shirt, ribbon or elastic. First of all cut back in half. Then you need to press seams over with...
I loved gladiator-styled sandals last summer season, and I’m just so happy that they’re popular this season too! They’re so much more interesting and whimsy than typical sandals, and incredibly easy to make. The supplies you need are a pair of t-bar black sandals, leather strapping, scissors and glue. Basically, there’re three simple steps: first...
If you’ve got a pair or two inexpensive sunglasses lying around, let’s add to them some flower charm for upcoming lovely summer days. They look like a candy, aren’t they? For this project you basically need only about 11-12 mm matte flowers (you can buy them at Etsy or any other store like that) and...
A messy bun is ideal for almost any case – from casual or office look to some special case like a wedding, that’s why today we are sharing a tutorial of it with you. It works best with dirty hair so if you’ve skipped a couple days of shampooing, the messy bun is the perfect...
This hairstyle is wonderful for every day and it’ s chic enough to look unique. Gather a section of hair and divide it into two pieces. Twist the bottom piece over the top piece. After you have completed the twist, take a new section of hair from the top and lay it over the piece...
Summer is the best time to embrace nautical theme even with your nail art. It’s still a few more days before the hottest time of the year is official here but this easy manicure will put you in a summery mood instantly! For this project you’ll need bright red and blue nail polishes, white and...
We’ve just told you about some adorable summer nail art ideas, and here’s one more tutorial to the list! Prepare summery polish base, a white nail RockIt pen and Seche Vite top coat. First give yourself a bright and cheery two-coat manicure and let dry. Simply tap off any extra polish if your pen is...
Everyone needs a case for his or her sunglasses not to scratch them. You can easily make one using a bandana, colorful rope or cord, no sew tape and scissors. Cut a piece of fabric from the corner about 10.5 inches wide by 8 inches tall. Use the corner so you already have two seemed...