White clothes tend to lose their brightness and get dull. However, there’s a smart way to make your white shirts crispy and fresh again using nothing more than natural ingredients, which are lemon, vinegar, 3% hydrogen peroxide, borax, washing soda. Just pick one and add ½ cup of it to your load. After that wash your...
Got cilantro in your garden? Use it with lime to create all-natural refreshing soaps! You’ll need 16 cubes shea butter, 20 drops lime essential oil, 3 tbsp fresh cilantro, chopped. In a microwaveable bowl, add your cubes of shea butter soap base. Microwave on high for 30 seconds. Microwave an additional 10 seconds and check...
If you’re looking for eye-catching hair accessories, this idea is for you! You’ll need metal foil/sheet in gold, gold/brass jewelry wire, star template, a hair clip, a sharp pin/toothpick, scissors and pliers. Print the star template and cutout all 3 star sizes. Then trace 2 big stars, 7 medium, and 9 small ones from the...
Washing your hair every single day isn’t really good for them, especially if they’re color treated. With dry shampoos flooding the market it’s much easier to skip the day or two. You can also try this criss-cross low pony to extend the blowout. To recreate it begin with splitting your hair into 3 sections –...
Ginger stimulates blood circulation which is wonderful for also stimulating hair growth. Blood flow brings added nutrients and oxygen to the surface, nourishing the scalp and hair follicles. This ginger-infused oil is easy to make at home and can be applied 1-2 times a month. You’ll need ¼ teaspoon grated ginger, 2 tablespoons olive oil....
Let’s prepare for the summer beforehand and make these cool jungle leaf print sunglasses! For creating them you’ll need printable tattoo paper, light-colored sunglasses, scissors, leaf template, printer, water and paper towel, black paint and toothpick. First print the jungle leaf PDF on the printable tattoo paper. Then apply the adhesive side. Now smooth out...
Something as a curling iron is a girl’s must-have tool at home, if she wants to make the curls. However, using it on a daily basis can be not only time consuming, but also harmful for your locks. It doesn’t mean you have to give up on it completely, but it’s worth to know other...
For making your old sandals trendy and funny just add tassels. And today we’ll show you how to create them! For this project you’ll need sandals, leather cording, piece of leather and adhesive. Cut 1 ½” strips of leather, then cut thin 1” fringe in each leather strip. Now you should cut the fringe strip...
It’s spring outside, but we’re more than ready to welcome this season! We all are tired after long months of winter, which inevitably affected our skin. However, there’s a simple way to fake the glow and dewiness with makeup. It’ll take like 5-10 minutes to make, so you can easily turn this into your morning...
For creating a stylish look you’ll need original and eye-catching accessories, for example, this pouch. You’ll need foam paintbrush, bristled flat paintbrush, round tip paintbrush, canvas pouch and acrylic paint (at least three colors and black). Using a dry foam paintbrush, apply the first color of acrylic paint along the top of the clutch. Create short downward...