Feeling a bit rock? Make these earrings for you rock-inspired and grunge outfits! Prepareflat backed crystals – 3, earring blanks with backs – 3, E6000 glue, jump ring – 2, needle nosed pliers and chain – 1-2 inches. Glue one crystal to each earring blank with the E6000 glue. Let dry. While the glue is...
If you like all things space and galaxy themed, this nail art is a must-try! It’s really simple to recreate on your own, so if you don’t have any prejudices against black nails, you can pull it off easily. So, two main colors you need for this tutorial are black and white. You also need to...
Himalayan salt detoxifies the body by balancing systemic pH, improves hydration by providing trace minerals, improves mineral status of the body, reduces muscle cramps by improving minerals and hydration and much, much more. Grapefruit is rich in vitamin C, which is necessary for collagen production in the skin. The aroma of rosemary alone has been...
Pretty decent in the front but oh-so-frisky on the back – this blazer looks spectacular! If you got some jacket you don’t really wear on everyday basis, you can totally try this DIY idea and jazz it up. The tutorial is really easy, doable and it requires only these supplies: high button in the front...
Choose any color you want and turn a clear necklace into an ombre one! You’ll need tear-drop beads (9 pieces), round beads (20 pieces), jewelry wire, 2 chain pieces (4 inches each), 3 jump rings, jewelry pliers, wire cutter, acrylic paint and brush. First cut a 15 inch piece of jewelry wire. Then alternate and...
Whether you have a date or not, this clutch is going to be perfect for a night out. Customize a couple simple clutches with #single on one side and #taken on the other. So, even if you don’t have a date yet, get out their and carry your #single bag with pride. Who knows, maybe...
Need some romantic accessory for this spring? Here’s an idea! The supplies are craft wire – 16 gauge or 18 gauge, craft pliers and jewelry chain. Hold the wire from an end. Do not cut it from the bundle. Start by creating a small loop at the end of the wire with the help of...
Who knew soaps could be so adorable? They fresh and smell like spring! With today’s tutorial you can recreate them yourself together with your best gals. The finished product is oh-so-pretty, it’ll be perfect either for a gift or bringing beauty to your own bathrooms. Here’s what you need to begin: unscented natural soap, rose...
It’s time to restyle your old white jeans for spring and summer! It’s quite simple project and you can repeat this technique with other denim clothes, for example, jackets or skirts. You’ll need white skinny denim, RIT dye and sponge brush. Follow the steps on the RIT dye package to create your dye baths. Next...
There’s never too much space for storage, right? So, if you have a blank wall, why don’t you turn it into a beautiful open accessory storage space? This is how you’ll get the easiest access to your jewelry and show everyone, what gorgeous pieces you have. It’ll take some time and two extra hands to...