Due to the hottest tendencies, we’ve already told you of DIY spiked shoes, so why not make a match – a clutch with spikes? You’ll need a clutch you like, spikes, nail polish, a ruler, a pen, pointed scissors. Cover the spikes with nail polish and let them dry. Take the pen and mark the...
Cold weather and constant homework routine take a toll on our hands: the skin gets dry, cuticles sore and nails break. It’s time to make some remedy and find a moment for yourself. This easy cream will easily reduce cuticle’s dryness and make it look healthy. Prepare 1 teaspoon of olive oil, ¼ cup or...
These earrings are inspired by the heart shaped Anthropologie earrings. To make such a pair you’ll need lace (non stretch), Mod Podge, seed beads & sequins, earring hooks. Cut 4 lace hearts that measure roughly 2 1/2 X 2 1/2 inches. Stitch the 2 lace hearts together around the edges. Brush the entire heart lightly...
For the most special day in the life of every girl – the wedding – we’ll make a beautiful hair accessory. You’ll need a beaded embellishment, ribbon, tulle, a glue gun, scissors. Cut several leaf-shaped pieces from the ribbon and tulle. Glue the pieces onto the back of your beaded embellishment. Continue until you have...
The gloves are the most needed accessory for fall as you wear them every single day. Therefore you need to do something special with your gloves. For example, let’s make adorable heart gloves. You need Liz Claiborne sleek brown leather gloves, card stock, scissors, white fabric paint, paint brush, paper tape. First of all you must make a...
Miniskirts always look cool! They highlight your legs and there are many styles in which you can use miniskirts. Today we’ll make one inspired by the latest Zara collection. You’ll need some fabric you like, a zipper, fabric for the pockets, needle and thread. Take the measurements and cut the fabric. Insert the zipper and...
Flip flops are the simplest shoes for hot weather or when you are going to a vacation. If you want an original pair, you can refashion your own ones easily. You’ll need slippers, shoelace, marker, scissors, needle & thread or glue. Cut out the upper layer. Step on top of the sole and mark the...
We’ve already told you how popular geometric items and patterns are, so today we’ll make one more geometric piece. To make this geometric necklace you’ll need graduated pyrite semi faceted bead, wire, chain and clasp, pliers/wire cutter, soldering tool, an eye pin. Form a triangle and a circle with your wire and use the soldering...
If you’ve been following us lately, you know that ear cuffs are on top fashion trends right now. So, you just can’t miss this DIY tutorial! You’ll need some Swarovski navette rhinestones and settings, 1 2 x 40mm curved gold tube, 1 flat glue-on post, 1 stabilizer clutch, a pair of flatnose pliers and wire...
This golden cosmetic tray looks so chic and gorgeous, you’d never believe that it costs only $8! It’s actually just a simple wall plaque turned into a champagne color pretty table for all the girly things. Wanna know how to make it? You’ll need a wooden plaque, patterned paper and the little food pads. Begin...