Pretty DIY Back Bow Sweater

Pretty DIY Back Bow Sweater

Pretty DIY Back Bow Sweater

Last week, or maybe it was the week before, I was inspired by a pretty photo of the back of a sweater closed with a bow on Pinterest and decided to share with you, because this is good way to restyle your old sweater. As you can see below, this sweater already had a cut-out... 
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Easy DIY Candy Swirls Nail Art

Easy DIY Candy Swirls Nail Art

Easy DIY Candy Swirls Nail Art

Summer is coming to the end but why not celebrate its end with a colorful and yummy nails design? To make this candy swirls nail art you’ll need white polish, silver glitter nail art pen, pink, blue, orange, yellow and green nail art pens, topcoat. Apply two coats of white polish. Using a silver glitter... 
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