No doubt that it’s a simple accessory, but it looks very elegant and stunning! For making this bracelet you will need just chain, various types of a swarovski crystal, clasp, jump rings and pliers. You can create several bracelets with various Swarovski crystals, and change them according to your look. Of course make sure the crystals have...
If you’re an accessory addict, I bet you got lots of pretty rings. Don’t you want to display them beautifully? We’ve got such an easy yet cute idea to share with you! To make this ring box you only need a cigar box or any simple cardboard box, fabric for covering (something like linen), old t-shirts,...
Need a creative clutch? Let’s make this one from! You’ll need outer fabric of your choice, size A4, a liner of your choice, size A4, DK weight yarn, 2.5mm & 3.5mm crochet hooks, a button, a sewing needle and thread. Use a piece of A4 paper as a template to cut both your outer...
There’re probably two main makeup techniques every girl should learn – flawless smokey eyes and windged eyeliner. They’re effortlessly sexy and compliment almost any look. Practice your skills today with this tutorial of soft brown smokey perfect for all occasions! There’re a few and easy steps, which you can follow to create this gorgeous look....
Need a colorful and fun tote for summer? Have a look at this project by! To make it you’ll need a tote bag, green craft foam, pink craft foam, yellow craft foam, paint pens, a glue gun and glue, scissors, a cactus template, a pencil. Print the cactus template. Then, cut out the flower,...
If you have various fabrics and materials, you can always create something original, for example, these cuff bracelets. You will need leather cord, 2 or 3 steel snaps, snap setter, hammer, 2 leather scraps (2 3/4″ by 3 3/4″), doublestick tape and holepunch. First cut cord into 8 strips measuring about 7″ long. Stick a...
If you have white shoes, let’s paint them! For example, you can add prints of funny fruits as bananas and pineapples to your shoes. For this project you will need a pair of plain canvas shoes, banana template download, pineapple template download, cardstock, scissors, razor blade or craft knife, black fine-tip fabric marker, fabric paints, plastic paint...
These are seriously the most beautiful sugar scrubs ever! They also smell heavenly and they’d make a wonderful and colorful homemade spa gift either for yourself or for the most important women in your life. Here’s what you need to get started with a tutorial: ½ cup coconut oil, ¼ cup plus 3 tbsp sparkling...
You don’t need a drugstore cream to relieve itchy mosquito bites, you can make some lotion at home. We’ve already told you of some bug bite relief remedies but this recipe from wasn’t on the list, and you should definitely pay attention to it because it’s simple and all the ingredients are in your...
Do you love pearls? We think that an accessory with them is just one of those timeless pieces you can wear to all those summer parties and nights out to look gorgeous. If you feel like they usually are way too elegant and make you feel older than you actually are, make this pearl bracelet,...