DIY Raspberry And Honey Lip Scrub

DIY Raspberry And Honey Lip Scrub

DIY Raspberry And Honey Lip Scrub

We’ve already told you of raspberry lip balm, and here’s a raspberry lip scrub to add. Prepare organic sugar, 2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil, 1 tbsp raw honey, 6 raspberries, jars. In a bowl add all of the ingredients except for the raspberries and mix until well combined – the mixture should have a... 
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Unique DIY Sew-It-Up Hair Updo To Try

Unique DIY Sew-It-Up Hair Updo To Try

Unique DIY Sew-It-Up Hair Updo To Try

There’re multiple ways of making an updo, but have you ever heard of sewing technique? Me neither! That’s why it’s so exciting to share all about it on our blog today. The biggest advantage of it is that you can dance, run around, sleep or else with the sew-it-up and never worry about bobby pins coming... 
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DIY Pineapple Papaya Face Mask To Exfoliate And Lighten The Skin

DIY Pineapple Papaya Face Mask To Exfoliate And Lighten The Skin

DIY Pineapple Papaya Face Mask To Exfoliate And Lighten The Skin

Unripe papaya contains natural alpha-hydroxy acids and high levels of papain, an enzyme that helps dissolve dead skin cells. Pineapple has lots of the enzyme bromelian, which helps remove the outer layers of skin to reduce age spots and wrinkles. Used together, the enzymes and AHAs in papaya and pineapple naturally exfoliate and lighten skin... 
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