Delicate DIY Wire Felt Bead Necklace

Delicate DIY Wire Felt Bead Necklace

Delicate DIY Wire Felt Bead Necklace

Today we’ll make a super cute and easy necklace with your own unique bead with wire and felt. You don’t have to be an experienced jewelry maker to create these stunning necklaces so grab a couple of your friends for some fun crafting, and let’s get started. Thee supplies are bead chain, gold wire, merino... 
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All-Natural DIY Toothpaste With Raw Honey

All-Natural DIY Toothpaste With Raw Honey

All-Natural DIY Toothpaste With Raw Honey

Making your own toothpaste is a great idea because you’ll avoid chemicals and get only natural ingredients, it’s a very healthy variant. The supplies are 2 tbsp extra virgin coconut oil, 2 tsp sodium bicarbonate, 1 tsp raw honey, 24 drops essential oil. Why these ingredients? Coconut oil is for a smooth feeling, sodium bicarbonate... 
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Pretty And Easy DIY Turn-Up Jeans

Pretty And Easy DIY Turn-Up Jeans

Pretty And Easy DIY Turn-Up Jeans

Are you ready for new advice to refresh your old jeans? So you will need jeans, fabric, ruler, scissors, needle and thread. Determine how much you want your jeans to turn up at the hem. Place the bottom of an unfolded leg of your jeans over your fabric. Wrap your fabric vertically around the leg of... 
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Original DIY Leather Button Cuffs

Original DIY Leather Button Cuffs

Original DIY Leather Button Cuffs

An accessory is a great detail that emphasizes your individuality. Let’s make these button cuffs! For this project you will need several pieces of leather, buttons, sewing machine and scissors. First you need to cut some leather straps out of scrap leather. Then pick beautiful buttons from your button collection and sew the buttons on leather.... 
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