Cozy DIY Felted Sweater Bangles

Cozy DIY Felted Sweater Bangles

Cozy DIY Felted Sweater Bangles

You can make these felted bangles for yourself or as a gift for your friends. They are easy-to-make and so cute at this time. You will need bangles, wool sweater, glue, scissors, needle and thread. First of all make sure that bangles are on the large side for your wrist because once you cover them... 
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Feminine DIY T-Shirt With Lace Cuffs

Feminine DIY T-Shirt With Lace Cuffs

Feminine DIY T-Shirt With Lace Cuffs

There’s nothing like a t-shirt, they’re comfortable, easy to wear and go perfect with most everything, but with a touch of lace this t-shirt really sets itself apart. For this craft you’ll need a long sleeve t-shirt, lace, scissors, needle & thread, pins. Turn your t-shirt inside out. Decide how much lace you want to... 
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Colored DIY Dr.Pepper-Inspired Lip Balm

Colored DIY Dr.Pepper-Inspired Lip Balm

Colored DIY Dr.Pepper-Inspired Lip Balm

A lip balm is a necessary thing for every girl, especially now when it’s getting colder and colder. Today we’ll make Dr.Pepper-inspired lip balm, I’m sure, you’ll love it! Prepare 8 tablespoons almond oil, 2 tablespoons beeswax, 4 teaspoons honey, 1 package Black Cherry Kool-Aid, ½ teaspoon pure vanilla extract, 5 drops orange essential oil,... 
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Romantic DIY Sock Bun Hairstyle

Romantic DIY Sock Bun Hairstyle

Romantic DIY Sock Bun Hairstyle

Everyone’s all about the sock bun hairdo lately. It’s not surprising, because it’s easy to make, it looks very neat and pretty. Today’s tutorial however is just the same sock bun but with a twist. It’s low and has some added elements, which make the hairstyle a bit more romantic and a bit messy. Begin... 
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Awesome DIY Leopard Moth Print Nail Art

Awesome DIY Leopard Moth Print Nail Art

Awesome DIY Leopard Moth Print Nail Art

You think today’s nail art tutorial was inspired by a leopard? Nope, and you weren’t even close! It was inspired by a giant moth that has scientific name Hypercompe scribonia. It has a very similar color with leopard and this is why it’s also called giant leopard moth. Okay, I’m done with little biology introduction,... 
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Original DIY Turquoise Spike Necklace

Original DIY Turquoise Spike Necklace

Original DIY Turquoise Spike Necklace

This necklace will look very well with white t-shirts or blouses. Add something stylish and original to your office look. You will need turquoise spike beads, gold round beads, chain, cable, crimp bead, crimp bead cover and crimp pliers. Thread the cable through the end of your chain. Fold over the end and thread on your... 
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