Creative DIY Patterned Phone Cover

Creative DIY Patterned Phone Cover

Creative DIY Patterned Phone Cover

Looking for some cute little details which will complete your look? So pay attention to cover of your phone! It can be funny, glamorous, creative or cute but always shows your personality. For this project you will need just a clear phone cover (you can work on a white cover too) and permanent marker pens.... 
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Glamorous DIY Miu Miu Jeweled Heels

Glamorous DIY Miu Miu Jeweled Heels

Glamorous DIY Miu Miu Jeweled Heels

Nothing makes you feel so good like shoes. New gorgeous fashionable shoes! For this project you will need a pair of heeled shoes, 40-50 large and medium (10-15 mm) multi-shaped rhinestones, 30-40 small (3-6 mm) round rhinestones, glue, tweezers, small dish or container, toothpick and flat nose pliers (optional). With flat nose pliers, pry the... 
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