Trying to find a new idea for your look? This necklace is simple and can refresh your style. You’ll need PVC plastic sheet, mix of flat-based “crystal” embellishments, jump rings, chain, lobster clasp, contact adhesive, scissors and bradawl. Start by drawing and cutting out circles from the PVC plastic, these will form the base for...
How can one decorate a usual leather bracelet? Stitch it! To realize this project you’ll need a leather bracelet, a leather hole punch, embroidery thread, a needle, a hot glue gun and glue, a marker, scissors, clasp, 2 jump rings (8mm), a ruler. Cut your bracelet in half. Then, cut it in half again. Wrap...
Love, love, love colorful jewelry for summer! If you share my opinion about that, let’s make this crystal and pearls beads bracelet. The supplies are 6mm bicone glass beads, 8mm glass pearl bead, headpins, bracelet making chain, 0.3mm tiger tail wire, side cutting pliers, round nose pliers, wire cutter pliers. cut 7 pieces of tiger...
These earrings will be perfect for your everyday look this summer or in any other season. You will need 8 brass headpins, 2 brass end caps, 12 brass ferrules, beads, 10 brass jump rings, 4 inches of raffia trim, 2 hoop earrings, needle nose pliers, wire cutters, blow torch or lighter, needle, thread and glue....
These colorful raffia bracelet is a great accessory for summer and especially for going to beaches, it can be a great gift. The supplies are raffia ribbon, 10mm end clasps, epoxy, a ruler and scissors. Cut the ribbon to your preferred length. We cut ours to 7.25 inches for a slightly snug fit. Pour a...
These earrings are so nice, simple and bright! You will look so amazing and noticeable with them! You will need embroidery thread, 2 buttons with a ring on the backs, 2 earring hooks, 4 metal jump rings, 2 looped headpins, glue gun, pliers and scissors. Hook each looped head pin through the back of each...
We’ve already told you of leather cuffs to make, here’s one more idea, a beautiful distressed piece. You’ll need a leather cuff, a stencil, Metallic Acrylic Paint, a paint brush, scrapbooking brads, an ice pick and sandpaper. Tape the stencil down centering it horizontally and vertically over your leather cuff. Using a paint brush, dab...
What I love about suede bracelets is that there’re dozens of ways you can make them. Today we share with you one of them, which took only 15 minutes to make. Supplies that you’ll need are 13-14 inches of chain, 1 meter of suede lace, 6 jump rings, 1 lobster clasp, jewelry pliers, glue gun...
Making this pretty necklace you’ll feel almost an artist because you’ll paint your pendant yourself. The supplies are washers, alcohol inks, straw, cotton swabs, spray polyurethane, alcohol and cloths or paper towels, bails, chain and clasps, as needed. Drip, drop or brush on your alcohol ink. Use your implements, i.e. your cotton swabs or straws...
We often get inspired by famous designers’ works. Today we offer to make these colorful earrings inspired by Dolce&Gabbana. For this craft you will need beads, crystals, gold filigree earrings, embroidery threads with various colors, scissors, glue and pliers. For making tassels wrap the embroidery thread around your hand until it’s half the desired thickness....