Looking for shiny, pretty accessories for Christmas and New Year parties to wear or to give someone as a present? Take a look at the new holiday collection, Give With Glam, by 31 Bits. All of their products are carefully crafted by hand and every detail is thought through. And guess what their beads are...
After latest collection Mise en Dior it seems like everyone got crazy over playful yet elegant earrings made in pearls. Wanna be on top without spending pots of money on Dior original piece? Make them yourself! Prepare pearl earrings, matching pearl beads in large size, rubber earring backs, super glue and a skewer or buy...
Accessories are everything for every fashion girl. Sometimes a correctly chosen accessory can improve your look. Let’s make this very easy necklace to accentuate one of your outfits. Follow the instructions and you will know how to create a fringe necklace in easy moves.You will need 6 inches of fringe, an 8-inch chain, a needle...
A cool bracelet is a great accessory that can highlight your style. To make one you’ll need 4 inches of suede lace / leather lace, a few beads with medium size holes. Pick the beads that you want to highlight in your bracelet, then thread them through the suede lace. Once you have them one,...
Fifteen years ago, Renee Van Veen looked into her mother’s jewelry box and found a scented handkerchief that had perfumed all of the jewelry within the box. She wondered if it would be great to unite perfume and jewelry in on. And so she began Perfumed Jewelry, combining pretty filigree pendants on simple chains with...
Fall and winter often lack bright colors, so why not make an accessory that would make you look original and attract attention? You’ll need round nosed pliers, wire cutters, jewelry wire, earrings hooks, about 5-6cm of chain or enough to fit all your beads, 2 large glass beads, smaller beads in different shades. First attach...
Casual jewelry goes great with lots of outfits and styles, so let’s make this leather bracelet. The supplies are elastic cord combined with the leather, rose-quartz beads, facetted spacer beads in copper. Punch a hole on both ends of the leather. With a tool or with a thick, sharp needle. If you use a needle...
These earrings are inspired by the heart shaped Anthropologie earrings. To make such a pair you’ll need lace (non stretch), Mod Podge, seed beads & sequins, earring hooks. Cut 4 lace hearts that measure roughly 2 1/2 X 2 1/2 inches. Stitch the 2 lace hearts together around the edges. Brush the entire heart lightly...
We’ve already told you how popular geometric items and patterns are, so today we’ll make one more geometric piece. To make this geometric necklace you’ll need graduated pyrite semi faceted bead, wire, chain and clasp, pliers/wire cutter, soldering tool, an eye pin. Form a triangle and a circle with your wire and use the soldering...
If you’ve been following us lately, you know that ear cuffs are on top fashion trends right now. So, you just can’t miss this DIY tutorial! You’ll need some Swarovski navette rhinestones and settings, 1 2 x 40mm curved gold tube, 1 flat glue-on post, 1 stabilizer clutch, a pair of flatnose pliers and wire...