For those who are looking for cool and stylish bags, we have prepared some ideas. And today we want to show you various fringe clutches that will be good additions for boho chic styled outfits. You need to pick up a fabric (leather, cotton, suede, etc.) and a color for your new bag. Good news...
In some places quarantine is still on, and in others it’s getting a bit easier but it’s on and we all hope for good. How to dress up at home to feel comfy this summer in case you’ll have to stay at home for more? First of all, stick to natural fabrics to let your...
If you are a big fan of a boho chic style, then you should pay your attention to skirts with a fringe. And today we have prepared for you cool and so awesome summer outfits with fringe wrapped skirts. As usual, you need to pick up a length of your new item from mini to...
If you love wearing trendy heels or you have to go to work in summer, there’s a perfect type of shoes for you – these are slingbacks! Slingbacks made a huge comeback last year and they are totally on. Such shoes will be perfect for creating a more elegant work outfit or just to go...
If you like to wear button down shirts, then probably you like to create outfits with shirtdresses and you have at least one such dress. So today we want to show you some cool polka dot shirtdress ideas and ways how you can combine them with other pieces of clothes, accessories and shoes. So, first...
A denim dress is a very spring-summer like clothes items that always screams of something relaxed and cool. If you already feel those summer vibes and want to dress up accordingly, I strongly recommend to rock such a dress. There are many trendy models: a denim or chambray shirtdress, which is classics, a denim mini...
Denim pieces of clothes are very comfy, and, of course, they will never go out of a style. That’s why we always share with you various awesome outfit ideas with such items. And today we are ready to show you some cool looks with denim off the shoulder dresses and shirts that will be perfect...
If you are a girl who loves trends and loves to be at the edge, this roundup is for you. We’ve gathered some hot looks with baggy jeans that are all the rage right now, and I’m sure that your outfit will be raised to a new level with them. If you are going to...
It’s time for creating stylish and cool outfits for coming summer days! So today let’s pay an attention to ombre dresses that will be perfect additions for any outfits. First of all, you should pick up a type of dresses from off the shoulder to one shoulder, sleeveless to long sleeved, shirtdresses to A-line ones,...
Oversized denim jackets are one of the trends that are still here but this year cropped items are all the rage, so if you are going to buy a denim jacket this year, choose a cropped one. How to style it? Here are some ideas. Choose a cropped denim jacket that is a bit oversized...