A hand sanitizer is a must for every bag, both for kids and adults, both for trips and everyday life. Traditional hand sanitizer is loaded with things like sodium lauryl sulfate, parabens and synthetic fragrance, which can wreak havoc on everything from skin to hormones. Make one quickly and easily yourself avoiding the unwanted ingredients! Here are some natural recipes you may like.
This hand sanitizer kills germs naturally and you’ll save money making your own. Instead of triclosan, it uses naturally antimicrobial essential oils to kill germs. Witch hazel takes the place of rubbing alcohol and acts as a second line of defense against germs. And aloe vera gel nourishes skin and prevents chapping and cracking. You can also add various essential oils to give it a fresh scent, read the recipe and make one!
DIY hand sanitizer with essential oils (via helloglow.co).
This homemade hand sanitizer spray is simple to create, and makes a great gift too. To balance the harshness of the alcohol smell and to prevent dryness, add aloe vera juice, and some lovely essential oils. A combination of lemon, orange, peppermint, and a little tea tree are sure to give your hand sanitizer a fresh smell.
DIY hand sanitizer of aloe vera and essential oils (via hearthandvine.com).
This DIY hand sanitizer—which doubles as an antiseptic spray— uses essential oils to help fight germs, and has soothing elements like witch hazel, aloe vera and vitamin E oil. And, it’s as easy as can be to make. Vitamin E helps promote healing from the get-go. Witch hazel works as an anti-inflammatory and fights germs with its amazing antimicrobial properties.
DIY hand sanitizer and antisceptic spray (via helloglow.co).
This simple recipe only contains 3 ingredients and is far better for your skin and more effective at doing what it’s supposed to do. Sea salt, distilled water and essential oils are all you need for a cool and effective hand sanitizer spray.
DIY hand sanitizer spray of 3 ingredients (via www.modishandmain.com).
Here’s one more DIY hand sanitizer idea, and the ingredients are simple. Witch hazel is a cooling astringent while aloe and glycerin soothe irritation and provide moisture. The cleansing power comes from lemon and lavender essential oils. Both have natural disinfectant and antibacterial properties and are gentle enough to use on children.
DIY lavender lemon hand sanitizer (via helloglow.co).