A basket bag was always a signature feature of famous Jane Birkin’s style, and she carried it with literally any outfit in any season. Them it was considered that basket bags are only for the summer and for some types of outfits but this year is broadening our outlooks. This year basket bags are all the rage and they are finally worn with anything, and they will give special chic to your look if you carry them during summer to fall transition and later in the fall. How to style it to achieve that effortless French chic look?
A casual outfit with a printed tee, blue jeans, a thin stripe blazer and a basket bag plus sunglasses.
A printed blouse, fit and flare jeans, nude strappy sandals, a black leather jacket and a basket bag.
If you carried this lovely bag in summer with airy dresses and skirts, go for a contrast in the fall. Wear jeans or pants, a sweatshirt, a blouse, a shirt or a t-shirt with a blazer or a leather jacket over it and take this basket bag. Support the bag with heels or at least elegant flat mules and you’ll look super trendy!
A white blouse with puff sleeves, blue high waisted jeans, white mules, a basket bag and statement earrings.
A white oversized shirt, blue jeans, black fur mules and a basket bag for a summer to fall transition.