Sometimes it’s enough to take a look at celebrities on Red Carpet and you will understand what types of clothes, makeup or hairstyles are in trend now. So today let’s prepare for the main holiday party of the year and pay attention to makeup ideas. When you create your makeup for a party, don’t forget about...
It seems like curling the eyelashes is one of those parts of makeup application that never gets much credit. I think it’s because most of us don’t know how to do it correctly. When we casually try to curl the lashes, we don’t get this remarkable result all professionals are talking about. So, what’s the...
If you’ve been following use lately, then you’ve already read the DIY leg warmers roundup. Today we’ll make chunky knit boot cuffs, and the project is all about knitting. The cuffs can be knit in the round if you so choose, with this pattern you will end up with a boot cuff that measures approximately...
Babies, it’s cold outside! Many of us have already started planning Christmas and New Year parties, choosing hot outfits to look amazing but what about a feeling of coziness? We’ve already told you of some cool holiday sweaters to rock, and today I’d like to continue this theme with sweater dresses. Oh, there’s nothing comfier...
Add a stylish and chic necklace and your outfit will be perfect and completed. You will need one chain, small, sharp nosed scissors, two jump rings, scrap piece of leather and needle nose pliers or wire cutter. Draw out a shape in pencil or disappearing fabric marker onto the wrong side of your scrap of leather....
Bought a pair of heels that is a little too big for you on the latest sale? We’ve all been there, girl! There’s the coolest and easiest solution – lace them up. It’ll make your heels much easier to walk. What is more, the lacing is having a major fashion moment right now, so you’ll...
In the next few months a coat will be your most worn and most often seen item in your closet. So, you need to make sure that it’s good enough to be put on display for the time of being blustery weather. If you analyze the latest fall and winter trends, it’s all about plaid....
This scarf is very good and comfortable. It will warm you up and if you forgot your gloves, don’t worry, use pockets on the scarf. You will need 1/2 yard of good quality fleece, sewing machine, scissors and a rotary cutter. Cut your fleece in half. Your piece should be about 9 inches wide and...
Crocheted items are extremely cozy and comfy, especially for the cold season. This cool crocheted clutch will accentuate your outfit and add coziness. Making clutches, purses, totes or any other oval shaped bags can be confusing for beginners. This is the simplest, narrowest type of oval, with a single round of increases at the end...
Tired of dresses for parties? Take a look at your jeans. We know, you’ll say that it’s such an ordinary thing and there’s nothing original in jeans. But look at these complex looks with your favorite jeans! We are sure that you’ll be surprised how simple and gorgeous it can look. Pay attention to original jackets and coats....