If you wanna everybody to look at you, you don’t need to wear a glitter dress or something like that. One detail is enough for your simple dress and you will be inimitable. Especially when it is so simple to make it! For an embellished belt we need 1 yard of 2 1/4 inch grosgrain...
Looking for a cozy and stylish way to get warm during this fall and winter season? Then these long cardigans are just a must-have! They’re not only 100% functional with different items in your wardrobe, but also 100% fabulous, too. It’s cute with boots or flats for a cozy and comfy look, but has a...
Fall and winter often lack bright colors, so why not make an accessory that would make you look original and attract attention? You’ll need round nosed pliers, wire cutters, jewelry wire, earrings hooks, about 5-6cm of chain or enough to fit all your beads, 2 large glass beads, smaller beads in different shades. First attach...
Casual jewelry goes great with lots of outfits and styles, so let’s make this leather bracelet. The supplies are elastic cord combined with the leather, rose-quartz beads, facetted spacer beads in copper. Punch a hole on both ends of the leather. With a tool or with a thick, sharp needle. If you use a needle...
Winter is coming, and I can say that in some regions it’s very close already, so why not go shopping for some cool winter outfits for work? How can you look stylish this winter at work? In winter it’s cold and the first thing you want is to feel comfy and warm, so we advise...
If you wanna diversify your jewelry and looks, you must take a look at this necklace. You will need felt, a Sharpie marker, scissors, studded trim, grosgrain ribbon, strands of beads, hexagon crystal drops, needle, thread and a glue gun. Now you gotta draw a bib shape on a square 7×9” piece of felt by using...
I love cherries and I think it’ll be great to make this necklace with cherry decoration which is really pretty and easy to make. The supplies are 1.5 mm black aluminium wire, 0.5 mm black copper wire, 20 mm red acrylic bead, black iron chain, black jump ring, round nose plier, flat nose plier and...
What you gonna wear? And today we gonna talk about a must-have of every girl – ankle boots. Ankle boots came back to ours wardrobes. And you can add them to any fashion ensembles. You can combine ankle boots with everything you want! Let’s look at these pictures and try to find something new for your...
Due to the hottest tendencies, we’ve already told you of DIY spiked shoes, so why not make a match – a clutch with spikes? You’ll need a clutch you like, spikes, nail polish, a ruler, a pen, pointed scissors. Cover the spikes with nail polish and let them dry. Take the pen and mark the...
Cold weather and constant homework routine take a toll on our hands: the skin gets dry, cuticles sore and nails break. It’s time to make some remedy and find a moment for yourself. This easy cream will easily reduce cuticle’s dryness and make it look healthy. Prepare 1 teaspoon of olive oil, ¼ cup or...