A belly button piercing is a piercing that is done right around the navel area. While it’s a reasonably straightforward piercing, you want to make sure to have a qualified professional do the job because if the piercing is placed too low or too high, it can cause problems. Additionally, there are nerves and blood vessels you’ll want to avoid having pierced in that area as well. But this kind of piercing is totally worth making it as it is very sexy! When the sun is out and the bikinis are on, few things make you look hotter than a toned stomach highlighted by a belly button piercing. This is the kind of look you can sport all year long. Plus, sexy belly button piercings aren’t going to go away anytime soon.
A shiny rhinestone belly button piercing and a matching shiny cross hung on the shorts to highlight the look.
You’ll look at the jewelry selection and pick the one you want to walk out of there wearing. Your piercer will have some advice on that matter too. They’ll have a better idea than you will about which type of jewelry will work best for you while you’re still healing. You can buy a second piece of jewelry to wear after you’ve fully healed too. Want some ideas? Here they are!
A starfish belly charm with a tiny gold seashell on the chain and a rhinestone is a cute idea for the beach.
Bold boho chic belly button piercing with stylized dream catchers with turquoise beads and feathers.
Coastal inspired belly button piercing with a seashell and a tiny feather is a cool idea to wear to the beach.