Adorable DIY Wire Heart Ring

Adorable DIY Wire Heart Ring

Adorable DIY Wire Heart Ring

Cute, gentle, romantic! It’s all about a wire heart ring, you just need to look at this accessory once, and you’ll wanna make it! For this project you will need 22 or 24 gauge wire, pen, paper, round nose pliers, needle nose pliers, wire cutter and cylindrical object (about the same width as your finger).... 
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15 Sexy Bright Framed Sunglasses For Summer

15 Sexy Bright Framed Sunglasses For Summer

15 Sexy Bright Framed Sunglasses For Summer

Bright framed sunglasses are very trendy this summer, and it’s quite logical cause in the summer everybody wanna wear all bright clothes and accessories and surround oneself by colorful things. Start rocking bold colors with small accessories that will add something spicy to your look. You can wear these sunglasses with monochromatic clothes and with colorful ones.... 
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