Cool And Sweet DIY Fringed Clutch

Cool And Sweet DIY Fringed Clutch

Cool And Sweet DIY Fringed Clutch

This clutch will look perfect with any outfit. You will need 2 – 3 yards of the fringed ribbon, 1 zipper, sewing machine, fabric scissors, chalk, pins and ruler. Begin by cutting the ribbon into individual strips. Decide how wide you’d like your clutch and make sure you leave at least 1″ on either side.... 
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Easy DIY Dichroic Glass Pendant

Easy DIY Dichroic Glass Pendant

Easy DIY Dichroic Glass Pendant

Have you ever imagined using a microwave for making jewelry? Here’s an idea! Take Fuseworks fusible shapes – a dichroic texture pack, Fuseworks Fusible Shapes – clear, Fuseworks Microwave Kiln, Kiln Paper, jewelry bail, chain, Elmer’s school glue, jewelry glue. Stack a dichroic circle and a clear circle and place them on a piece of... 
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