Non slippery raspberry lime sugar scrub comes together in under 5 minutes to leave your skin baby soft and your bathtub clean! And, damn, it smells so good! The supplies are 1/3 cup raspberry jam, without seeds, 1 1/4 cup sugar, 1 tablespoon fine sea salt, 1 tablespoon olive oil, 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract, 15...
We’ve all been there. Maybe you spent too long outside shoveling snow, working out too hard at the gym, or walking the length of the mall one too many times. Now you’re left feeling sore and even though you know the soreness will subside in a few days, right now you need some relief. There’s...
Remember that amazing peppermint soap that we’ve told you about? Today I’d like to continue this theme with peppermint bath salts, another perfect gift for Christmas. The supplies are 3 cups Epsom salt, 2 cups sea salt, 1 cup baking soda, peppermint oil, red food coloring. In a large bowl combine Epsom salt, sea salt...
This peppermint soap will be a great gift for Christmas, so prepare goats milk or shea butter soap base, soap molds, red soap colorant and peppermint oil. Melt 1 pound of soap base at a time. I like to use a double boiler method with a large pyrex measuring cup. You can also melt soap...
In cold months getting your lips chapped is so common and so annoying! Wondering how to keep them hydrated and smooth? The best thing you can do is to make some lip scrub; besides, you probably have all of the ingredients in your fridge. It’s one of the coolest ways to make your lips a...
Facial cleansers are useful for removing dirt, make-up and oil as well as helping shed dead skin cells from our pores. But how do you know which facial cleanser is the right one for you? Depending on the ingredients in the cleanser, they can treat excessive oil, help alleviate dry skin, or even help slow...
A lip balm is a necessary thing for every girl, especially now when it’s getting colder and colder. Today we’ll make Dr.Pepper-inspired lip balm, I’m sure, you’ll love it! Prepare 8 tablespoons almond oil, 2 tablespoons beeswax, 4 teaspoons honey, 1 package Black Cherry Kool-Aid, ½ teaspoon pure vanilla extract, 5 drops orange essential oil,...
These soaps are so adorable, they remind me of jelly. They’re shockingly easy to make and can be a very nice autumn touch to your bathroom or can become an amazing gift. The supplies are block of glycerin soap, food coloring, essential oils, cake pans and cookie cutters. Begin with cutting glycerin soap into chunks and...
Sleep is one of the biggest factors in how we look and feel because it’s the time our body heals and regenerates. That’s why it’s so important to get enough sleep and you can make it double useful using various beauty products for your skin. A warm bath with calming salts like lavender ones will...
I don’t know about you, guys, but in the place where I live it’s rather cold already. Whichever type of skin you have, taking care of it in cold seasons is especially important and should be much more accurate as cold wind, rain and even snow can harm it. To avoid any skin problems, let’s...