How To Contour Your Nose Right

How To Contour Your Nose Right

How To Contour Your Nose Right

If you search “face contouring” on youtube, you get tons of results with video tutorials. You know, some of them are rather scary than beautiful and make you look like a freaking art project. Do you need that? Me neither. Just to get this straight we decided to learn how to get a sculpted look... 
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3 Smart Tricks And 17 Stylish Makeup Ideas For Glasses Wearers

3 Smart Tricks And 17 Stylish Makeup Ideas For Glasses Wearers

3 Smart Tricks And 17 Stylish Makeup Ideas For Glasses Wearers

Beauty-loving glasses wearers out there, today’s article is for you! Let’s talk about the extra beautiful ways of wearing makeup under the glasses. There’re some tricks to remember of how to make your eyes pop even behind your stylish lenses. Here are the 3 tips we liked the most: Ditch dark shadows. It’s inevitable that... 
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