If you have many necklaces you always think how to display them. These hooks look very stylish and don’t occupy too much space in your room. You will need ovenbake clay, hooks, nails, crafting knife, pen and rolling pin. First roll out the black polymer clay so it 1/4 inch thick. Then take tiny pieces...
If you are always looking for something special, this project is for you! Today you can make a whole accessory kit. So you will need polymer clay (2 or 3 colors for best results), metal rings, earring settings, silicon gem mold, glue, gold marker and X-acto knife. With the clay colors of your choice, roll...
It’s really a simple and quick craft! This necklace will emphasize your individuality and add some chic. You will need polymer clay, glitter, blade, chain and bamboo skewer. Condition your clay. Work the clay and until it’s warm and isn’t crumbling. Add some glitter and continue working the clay until it’s blended through. Press the...