This pouch will be a very stylish accessory for these winter days. You will need worsted weight yarn, size I-hook, zipper, lining fabric, sewing machine and matching thread. Make chain from yarn. Chain the length of your zipper plus a couple chains. Make sure to stretch your chain out a bit to see how long...
If you’ve been following use lately, then you’ve already read the DIY leg warmers roundup. Today we’ll make chunky knit boot cuffs, and the project is all about knitting. The cuffs can be knit in the round if you so choose, with this pattern you will end up with a boot cuff that measures approximately...
Add a stylish and chic necklace and your outfit will be perfect and completed. You will need one chain, small, sharp nosed scissors, two jump rings, scrap piece of leather and needle nose pliers or wire cutter. Draw out a shape in pencil or disappearing fabric marker onto the wrong side of your scrap of leather....
This scarf is very good and comfortable. It will warm you up and if you forgot your gloves, don’t worry, use pockets on the scarf. You will need 1/2 yard of good quality fleece, sewing machine, scissors and a rotary cutter. Cut your fleece in half. Your piece should be about 9 inches wide and...
Crocheted items are extremely cozy and comfy, especially for the cold season. This cool crocheted clutch will accentuate your outfit and add coziness. Making clutches, purses, totes or any other oval shaped bags can be confusing for beginners. This is the simplest, narrowest type of oval, with a single round of increases at the end...
Cooler weather is rolling in! It’s time for warm sweaters, cozy coats, big scarves… and pompom hats! The last one you can make by yourself from your old sweater or make use of a thrift store sweater that doesn’t fit. The tutorial is easy-peasy and you don’t have to have expert sewing skills. So, except...
Let’s make a cool wire wrapped pendant that resembles of a real pear! Take 1.5mm green aluminum wire, 0.5mm green copper wire, 16mm green acrylic bead, green satin ribbon, flat nose pliers, wire cutter pliers, side cutting pliers. Cut a 35cm length of green aluminum wire and loop the center with round nose; straighten the...
You can make these felted bangles for yourself or as a gift for your friends. They are easy-to-make and so cute at this time. You will need bangles, wool sweater, glue, scissors, needle and thread. First of all make sure that bangles are on the large side for your wrist because once you cover them...
This accessory will add chic and rock’n’roll style to your look. For this project you will need unlined vintage leather gloves, scissors, an X-acto knife, hot glue gun and two pieces of card board or heavy cardstock. One piece of card board you should cut to fit inside the palm of the glove and another...
It’s getting colder and I’m sure that you’ve already found your arm and leg warmers, scarves and what about a hat? This article is dedicated to the hats and beanies that you can easily make yourself. If you have some crocheting or knitting skills, you can just take some yarn and follow the described pattern....