Every girl needs an adorable pair of party heels. So that’s why we offer you to create it as soon as possible! You’ll need heels, fabric scissors, hot glue gun and chiffon fabric. First cut a segment of chiffon measuring 4 inches wide and 13 inches long. Fold the fabric in half horizontally from left...
There is a fun way to refresh your old scarf and prepare it for the spring time! For making this project you will need just scarf, pom pom trim and liquid stitch. First of all add a line of liquid stitch along the edges of the scarf. You should make it on a page of newspaper,...
To make this perfume oil, you will need the essential/fragrance oils of your choice, fractionated coconut oil, jojoba oil and a glass rollerball bottle. The jojoba and fractionated coconut oils are considered the carrier oils for this perfume oil. Jojoba is stable and has a long shelf life; fractionated coconut oil is lightweight, odorless and...
Beauty DIYs are among the best gifts for every girl because they are all-natural, personalized and because handmade gifts are on top. Today I’ve prepared a whole bunch of beauty DIYs of different kinds for Valentine’s Day, so they are pink, heart-shaped, with rose petals and totally cute looking and useful at the same time....
For a natural, bohemian look choose feathers in neutral colors, but if you wanna more edgy version, pick up feathers in a bright color such as turquoise or maroon. Let’s start! You’ll need craft feathers, metal bangle and jewelry glue. Line the inside of the bangle with glue. The amount of glue necessary depends on...
Do you remember the Gucci fur-lined loafers (from the Fall 2015 runway show)? They are amazing and very original! So if you like this idea, now you can make them yourself. You will need loafers or smoking slippers, gardening shears, adhesive and ¼ yard of fur or faux fur. You should use the gardening shears,...
Let’s add some colors to your winter look! For this project you will need nail polishes (two various colors), clear top coat, scissors and tape. First of all add two coats of nude nail polish on each nail. And of course let fully dry, even use a nail dryer if possible. It is important for...
These lotion bars are simple to make and they’re a great Valentine’s Day gift idea! Prepare 1/2 cup of cocoa butter, 2/3 cup of beeswax, 1/2 cup of coconut oil, 10-20 drops of essential oils, 1 teaspoon of Vitamin E oil (optional), silicone nonstick mold. Start by combining the beeswax, coconut oil, cocoa butter and...
Let’s your old bag for the coming spring! For this project you will need a crossbody bag, variety of flat back studs and flat back stones, adhesive, toothpick and paper plate. First squeeze a small amount of adhesive onto the paper plate. Then take a toothpick and add a dab of adhesive onto the back...
These cute bath bombs will make any bath special and fun! And they are gorgeous as Valentine’s Day gifts. Prepare 8 oz. baking soda, 4 oz. Epsom salt, 4 oz. Cornstarch, 4 oz. citric acid, 3 teaspoons water + additional drops as needed, 2 teaspoons fragrance oil for soaps, etc. or 8-10 drops essential oil,...