We pay so much attention to your office style, because it’s important to feel powerful, attractive and comfortable in your clothes at work to achieve some professional success. How you look really matters, because everybody when getting acquainted first of all pay attention to your appearance. Of course, we all want to be judged by...
It’s spring time, and I’m sure, you want to change your pieces of clothes to more eye-catching and bright colored ones. That’s why today we’ve prepared some cool and so stylish outfits for you. How about floral culottes? You can find various flower printed pants, so no doubt you’ll create a perfect casual, travel or...
Are you ready for coming summer? We have several spring days and if you still aren’t ready, you can start to think over your summer outfits right now. All the more it’s so much fun! Today I’d like to offer you to experiment with prints, for example, floral one. And let’s consider some wonderful outfits...
The choice of a right skirt is always difficult for every woman. There are so many types, prints, fabrics, colors and so on! You always want a skirt to be comfy, womanly, eye-catching and good looking on your body at the same time. So today we have a brilliant idea for you cause this type...
Who said bright colors and lovely prints are only for spring and summer seasons? We’re all for spicing up our fall wardrobes with the most beautiful floral coats. It’s a perfect statement piece you can wear together with black and neutral colors. Such a coat will make you stand out from gray crowd and raise...
Do you like hats? So we have an idea to make your favorite hat more feminine! You will need a plain trucker hat, floral fabric, needle, thread and template. First print the free download and cut out 1 piece on the fold line. Sew the two top pieces together in the center with a dart. Press...
Today we wanna show you how to remake your jeans into unique and original ones. For this project you will need American Eagle boho artist flare jean, fabric spray paint, stencil, tape and stencil brush. First of all lay your American Eagle boho artist flare jeans on a flat surface. Then you need to tape...
It’s so easy to refresh your shirt, and you don’t need too many supplies for this project. So let’s start! You will need striped shirt, floral fabric, iron-on fusible webbing paper, fabric scissors and iron. First cut a segment of fusible webbing paper big enough to accommodate the number of flower appliqués you plan to...
Are you preparing for summer? If you are, here’s a DIY idea to spice up your old shorts with floral print pockets! All you need is a pair of shorts, scissors, measuring tape or a ruler, paper, pen, needle and thread. First measure the dimensions of the pocket with your measuring tape and cut out the shape of...
Will you believe that you can make an adorable thing in only 2 steps? It can be real! If you have an old floral blazer, why not use it to create something new to your wardrobe? For this project you will need just a floral blazer, scissors, a sewing machine and thread. First of all,...