DIY Matcha Cucumber Mint Face Mask

DIY Matcha Cucumber Mint Face Mask

DIY Matcha Cucumber Mint Face Mask

Chlorophyll is a mega blood oxygenator and system purifier, and matcha is beyond full of it. That’s why it has become a base of this face mask from You’ll need 1 teaspoon matcha powder, 1 teaspoon grated cucumber, skin included, ½ teaspoon finely chopped mint. Mix ingredients thoroughly.  Wash face as usual. Spread mask... 
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Easy And Cute DIY Ring Box To Make

Easy And Cute DIY Ring Box To Make

Easy And Cute DIY Ring Box To Make

If you’re an accessory addict, I bet you got lots of pretty rings. Don’t you want to display them beautifully? We’ve got such an easy yet cute idea to share with you! To make this ring box you only need a cigar box or any simple cardboard box, fabric for covering (something like linen), old t-shirts,... 
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