Avocado contains vitamin E, healthy fats and antioxidants to help keep the skin smooth; lemon juice and apple cider vinegar contain citric acid which help “brighten” the skin and apple cider vinegar help reduce inflammation on the skin; honey helps brighten the skin and also thoroughly cleanse with natural antibacterial/antimicrobial properties to it; and the...
Face masks are no less important than cream and other beauty products that you use as your face needs special care. This extremely easy face mask is great for brightening your skin, and I’m sure that you have all the ingredients in the fridge. Take 1 tbsp plain yogurt (lactic acid exfoliates “eating” dead skin...
This amazing mask is full of antioxidants and is extremely moisturizing, but the best part about honey is that it’s clarifying. The cinnamon is the secret in this mask because it brings nutrients to surface of your skin and also has a faux botox quality by bringing blood to the surface. It soothes and leaves...
When holidays will end you will want to rest a little at least. So this craft will be very necessary. You will need the eye mask, gold leather, glue gun, sharpie, scissors and binder clip. Let’s start! Now fold a rectangular piece of gold leather in half; use a binder clip to keep the leather...
If your face skin needs regeneration, you must try this recipe of lavender face mask. You can either use dried lavender or lavender essential oil, and add yogurt and honey. The yogurt is not only a base in this recipe; it also works as a hydrating agent too. Honey soothes the skin in depth and...