If you care about your skin, you should pay attention to what susbstances you use on it, because they might have a bad impact even if you don’t know it. A lot of store bought cleansers remove the makeup well, but leave this sticky feeling, which makes you instantly wash your face. On the other hand, there’s...
White clothes tend to lose their brightness and get dull. However, there’s a smart way to make your white shirts crispy and fresh again using nothing more than natural ingredients, which are lemon, vinegar, 3% hydrogen peroxide, borax, washing soda. Just pick one and add ½ cup of it to your load. After that wash your...
In such a hectic world we’re too accustomed to quick showers instead of baths, aren’t we? After a work day, a gym we all just have a really fast wash, while in most cases it’s worth to make some time for a nice soak. These bath bombs will surely make this experience even better for...
Today’s romantic floral salts are about to make your bath time even better! Try it once and you’ll make it your self-care essential, because it’s so good! Here’s what you need to make this divine mixture: 2 cups salt blend (Epsom salts, Himalayan salts, sea salts), 5-10 drops essential oils like ylang ylang, lavender, eucalyptus...
One of the things that frightens many of us before actually starting working out regularly is harsh and long post-workout strain. A twinge here, a pulled muscle there, you know. However, it’s not the reason to give up training, more like a reason to find a solution. Gladly, we’ve got the cure! It doesn’t cost...
We all sometimes have troubles with sleep. If you feel like it’s happening too often, consider using a pillow mist. You can even make it your own before bed ritual, that will calm you down and trigger your brain it’s the time to unwind. Instead of buying spray in the shop that might consist of...
It’s officially summer and everything about it is great except those bug bites and stings. They’re itchy, irritating and crazily uncomfortable. Tonight’s 100% natural bug bite balm can be our salvation, because it can provide soothing relief for the swelling and redness. A huge bonus of it is that it actually smells wonderful, unlike all...
Here and there we hear about the usefulness of essential oils. Have you tried using some of them already? We did! You can browse through our blog for all homemade beauty recipes and join us on today’s essential oil body butter tutorial. This butter will give you soft and balmy skin you always dreamed of,...
You know, I’ve never thought that soap could be so beautiful until today. Not only it would be just pleasant to have something like this in your own bathroom, these gorgeous soaps can make great gifts for your darling ones. Well, the tutorial certainly requires some time and efforts but also gives you such great...
Dark circles under the eyes is something I see every morning when I look in the mirror. If you’re like me, you know how upsetting it might be. You’re probably always looking for some new creams that can fight puffiness and free radicals, and they’re usually so pricey! Well, let me introduce you today coffee-infused...