We are sure that you’ve probably never seen such an original project! So take your old dictionary and let’s repeat these steps! You will need just a pair of flats, Mod Podge and dictionary pages. First find some words you like and rip the pages out of your old dictionary. Then cut them up into...
These flats will be your favorite shoes, we are sure. They’re funny and so original, you need to make them right now! For this project you will need just 2 koosh balls, pair of flats and glue. If your koosh ball has a thick elastic loop somewhere in the middle, find it and glue it...
Summer isn’t over, so you still have a chance to wear summer clothes and shoes! We have an easy-to-make project, and you’ll need several minutes to create it! You will need lace-up gladiator sandals, faux suede fringe trim, adhesive, BBQ stick or wooden chopstick and paper plate. Cut a 3” piece of fringe trim and...
If you have white shoes, let’s paint them! For example, you can add prints of funny fruits as bananas and pineapples to your shoes. For this project you will need a pair of plain canvas shoes, banana template download, pineapple template download, cardstock, scissors, razor blade or craft knife, black fine-tip fabric marker, fabric paints, plastic paint...
July is already here! Let’s start new summer month with a new pair of shoes! You can take your old sandals or buy new ones for this project. Choose various shades of a nail polish and add some bright colors to your look. For this project you will need a pair of sandals, small rhinestones, nail...
Your old clothes can always be cuter and funnier if you add a couple of details, and today’s project contains a great idea. You’ll need a basic shirt, an image of your favorite sunglasses silhouette, 9″ x 6″ piece of sewing interfacing, sharpie, 9″ x 6″ piece of colored felt, 2 pair of scissors – one...
Do you like to refresh your old clothes? We do! So today we’ll help you to remake your old scarf into a beautiful skirt. You will need zipper, scarf, snap, sewing machine and scissors. First on one fringe side sew right sides together a zipper diagonal toward the fringe. The zipper can be any size...
If you like running you’ll love this project! You can recreate comfortable and feminine track pants from your old and unfashionable ones. You will need old pants, scissors, sewing machine or needle and thread, iron. Use a pair of pants if you have them as a pattern. Make sure to leave about an inch for...
If you wanna be stylish, you always have various ways to make it real. Sometimes you don’t even need to buy expensive clothes. We’ll tell you one way to be a fashionable person – cuff your jeans! Scroll down and you’ll see that it looks so fantastic and simple. Combine these jeans with various jackets,...
High waisted shorts, skirts or trousers are a big fashion trend now, so you need to invent something if you don’t have ones, for example, make high waisted shorts from your boyfriend’s pants! All you need is a pair of men’s dress pants that will fit you, scissors, pins, needle and thread. Cut the pants...