I won’t surprise anyone if I say that women love large handbags. Why? Because they allow them to carry their lives around! Such bags can fit a huge variety of things from chargers to books and a laptop. Well, it’s also a reason why we want to give up on them sometimes and wear a...
In fall we all get to switch to more neutral, darker colors and more layers. However, sometimes my soul screams for some bright pop, a statement piece. Rock the bold bag look! Choose rich and bold colors for your purse and don’t hesitate to compliment it with your fall looks. Here are a few tips on how...
This accessory will add some brightness to your bags, just secure it on your bag and you’ll see! You’ll need marabou feather boas, black cord, clasp and scissors. First double knot the cord to the bottom of the clasp. Next, double knot your green boa around the black cord. Second, knot your pink boa around...
How about this adorable bag? You needn’t too much time for making it and steps of the instruction are easy ones! You’ll need faux leather with a decent looking lining, a sewing machine, scissors and a writing utensil. First of all you need to know that you should use only faux leather, cause real leather is soft...
Got a colorful rug? Turn it into a cool bag! Can’t believe that it’s possible? Have a look at this tutorial from nur-noch.blogspot.de. For this bag you need a small rag rug (60 cm X 38 cm), two stripes of fabric (or felt) with the measurements of 43 cm X 11 cm, two more stripes...
Ballerinas are refined, feminine and beautiful, so why not get some inspiration from their images? Prepare chiffon fabric, lace ribbon, embroidery thread, embroidery needle, crystal beads, a needle and matching color thread, blank canvas tote bag. After creating the perfect tutu silhouette, bunch the chiffon fabric together and sew. Add the crystals to the waistline...
Despite the popularity of big and bulky bags on the catwalks, miniature versions became favorites during these autumn-winter fashion weeks. Leather and tweed, with long and short handles, with prints and contrasting accents – there’re lots of tiniest pretties to choose from. It seems like everyone will be wearing them this fall and winter season,...
If summer season is more about slouchy shoulder bags and boho knapsacks, small clutches and body cross bags, fall season’s style is much more refined, don’t you agree? It’s the best time to add some structured, ladylike handbag to your collection. They’re the hottest bags of this season, and the best thing about them is...
How do you feel about men’s bags? As for me, I think it’s such a key accessory that helps to create a really fashionable and polished look, show some personality. For a man in a modern world it’s important to be in style, to be recognizable and respectable. A good leather bag speaks for itself...
I love hearts, and do you, girls? I’m sure that each of us has at least one clothes item or accessory with such a pattern or shaped like that. Today I’m sharing a tutorial to make a heart-shaped tote from rivaladiva.com that is really whimsy and cute! You’ll need a pattern, fabric and thread, a...