This super eye-catching and boho-inspired necklace is amazing and suitable even for those who can’t do macramé. Prepare necklace chain at desired length, 4″ of copper pipe, cotton twine, yarn, thick cardboard measuring about 5″ x 7″, 12 turquoise stone beads, tapestry needle for weaving, hand-sewing needle for threading through the stones and thread in...
Macramé is original and cute for any décor and accessories, that’s why today we are going to make a macramé necklace. The supplies are nylon cord, Jasper nugget beads. Cut 8 strands that each measure 30 inches long. Take the ends of the 8 strands and tie in a knot. Leave about 1 1/2 inches...
Wanna make a statement? Let’s make this stunning necklace! You’ll need leather, gold chain, gold prong studs, gold jumprings and a clasp, pinch crimps cord ends, jewelry pliers & scissors. To braid the first piece of leather, split it into three equal parts leaving one-third of an inch at the end. Pass a jumpring through...
If you like handmade accessories as much as we do, you’ll be excited to make this a bit whimsy woven necklace. It looks very cute and original! Materials are 4”x6” piece of cardboard, duct tape, thread, cotton twine, large needle, thin leather strip, beads, chain, wire and scissors. Before weaving you need to make a...